God's Little Farmers
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these," Matthew 19:14
God's Little Farmers was started in 1999 by Sargent Community Church in relationship with the Sargent School District to offer an after school youth group on Wednesday nights. Since its inception, it has focused on spreading the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ.

What We Do
We always offer snacks to this kids, generously provided by the Church and its members.
We head into the sanctuary to hear a short message from our Pastor.
After, we break up into two groups, one goes to the craft room to do an art project about the message, and the other stays to sing in the sanctuary. The groups switch after 20-30 minuets.
We all gather together in the sanctuary to end our day with the kids telling us what they learned and a prayer.